Install packagesProduction/BetaRelease DateDescription
Install packagesProduction/BetaRelease DateDescription
BetaJul 26, 2024
Updates since beta release

Multiple advanced hotkey bug fixes.
Crash report changed to new interface. User can now send crash files to DAS by simply clicking a button.
Bug fix - short locate confirmation message not displayed correctly in dark theme.
Bug fix - CMDAPI: For $SHORTINFO, send short flag as 'N' if short size is 0.
BetaJul 04, 2024
Updates since beta release

Hotkey and Advanced hotkey:
Added Shares, First and Last filter for GetOrderObj().
Increased the limit of the script length. Hotkey script can now take longer scripts.
Added script for LoadDesktop/SaveDesktop and Timer Script.
For NewWindow script, the script after NewWindow will run in newly created window. For example, "NewWindow ShortLocate;InquireAll;" works now.
Fixed the layout for input box, which also enabled entering multiple lines.
Added GetTrendLine(name) function to get a trend line (ScriptObj_Shape) object by name.

Bug fix for time/sale time display issue in replay mode.
Bug fix for delayed lv1 or no lv1 returned to client after SB lv1 in pre/post market.
Added commands "SLReuseQuery" and "$SLReuseQueryRet" for symbol locate reuse status.
Add RegSho Y/N flag in $SHORTINFO for GET SHORTINFO.
Added CMDAPI limitations for locate/replace/complex/cancel frequency per minute (default 100 times, max 30000 times).

Montage window: Bug fix for order cancel failure after original order triggered new order.
BetaJun 24, 2024
Updates since production release

For Short Locate, added "Token" field for command SLNEWORDER and %SLOrder for locate request traceability.
Changed to not translating route suffix L,M,S for order types. They are only for montage route dropdown list.
Added "$INTMSG" for internal message.
For lv2 data, added fields "UPDATED/REMOVED time".

Hotkey and Advanced hotkey:
Global functions "Exec" and "ExecHotkey" are not global now, they will be functions of each object.
Added function "ShowObject" to show object properities.
For AccountObj, added a new function called GetPosition(symbol) to easily get the current positon and order information.
Bug fix: For hotkey configure window, setting a key in grid doesn't save.
For advanced Hotkey, added GetUserObj() for user defined structure.
Added a user define property "data" to QuoteObject.

Short Locate window:
Added hotkey script "AvailabilityQuery", same as button "Availability Query".
Added option "Warn if have locates for a symbol" to warn user when locating if the symbol already has locates.
Added Reg Sho warning for "Locate Lowest"; Added located warning for "Locate Lowest" if configured.

Montage window:
For ladder view, extended bid/ask max levels from 35 to 100.
Show "RS" or "RegSho" for Reg Sho symbol.

Chart window:
Bug fix: Fib lines change price when zooming in/out.
Added volume delta to Volume study.
Added option to turn on/off last sale price arrow and last sale price line separately.
Added "LastPrice" to GetStudyVal().
For DMI study, changed "Display Last Value” to display the “Enabled” value.
Chart order line dragging operation can be canceled now by moving mouse cursor outside of chart window while dragging.
For hotkey script DrawHorzLineWithPrice(), added a parameter to set color. For example, DrawHorzLineWithPrice(52.1,Color(20,20,20));
Hotkey script GetStudyVal() now works even if the chart study is hidden.

For other windows and bug fixes:
Replay mode will not check risk ctrls.
Account Report: Added column "HTB fee" for locate fees by symbol.
Added "Positive PL Text Color" and "Negative PL Text Color" configuration under "Trading Settings" for customized PL values color for Account/Position windows PL columns.
Added support for multiple accountsfor positions window account filter.
Bug fix: Trade log buy color not displaying properly in blue theme.
Bug fix: Account name not displayed in Risk Control window.
Bug fix: Account Report window not saved to dsk.
Bug fix: Imbalance window can not be popped out.
Chart double click will activate montage of same color.
Bug fix: Rememeber Password for login dialog not working.
Account window: Added column "NetPL R" for NetPL display in RiskScale like RealR and UnrealR.
Display a message to let users know their password is expired and need to answer security Q/A to reset password.
ProductionApr 15, 2024
Updates since production release

Bug fix: Change/%Change field on Montage level 1 area is not drawing correctly in dark theme.
Bug fix: Trend lines sometimes lost color when loaded layout.
Market viewer double clicking a row will change all windows of same color to that clicked symbol.
Advanced hotkey: Added property "SelectedSymbol" to Market Viewer window which returns the first selected symbol.
Position window: Added "Positive PL Text Color" and "Negative PL Text Color" configuration for customized PL column.
Short Locate window: Added option to show warning message when placing locate orders if symbol already has locates.
Added global function ABS() to advanced hotkey to get the absolute value of a number.
Hotkey variable window now can be loaded/saved to layout.
Risk Scale (R Value) now shows in position summary row with right alignment.
Bug fix: Shift+- not working.
Bug fix: Duplicate display when loading hotkey file.
Added MktVal column to Account Monitor.
Added hotkey function GetCurrPos() in Montage window to get the current available position.
Added GetWindowObj() to advanced hotkey to get the script object of a window by name.
Fixed some bugs and crashes.
ProductionMar 22, 2024
Updates since production release

Added "Day trade P&L" column to Position window.
Added feature to link window by color. Windows with same color can change symbol together. Hotkey "ShowLinkColor" can display group colors of linked window groups.
Added columns "RealR", "UnrealR" to Account and Position windows. (This displays risk scale set in "PL display risk scale" of Trading Settings dialog)
Added column "PL R" to Trade window. (This displays risk scale set in "PL display risk scale" of Trading Settings dialog)
Added configuration "Max order size confirmation" warning to let user decide whether to continue if new order size exceeds the limit.
Bug fix: Position window - summary row displays incorrect result if real, unreal... are displaying with comma.
Bug fix: "Panic include Options" checkbox in Setup->Other Configuration does not save.
TradeSignal: For "Type Name" column, hide the type ID if the type name already exists.
Montage level 1 area can have 3 study fields now (Layout Config->Lv1 Configure).
Montage TIF list will auto update when account changed from Account drop down.
CMDAPI: Added more feedback notes when order/quote servers is missing heartbeat and lost connection.
Return trading action occurring time (TAT) for GET SymStatus. For example: $SymStatus APVO SSR:Y TA:H TAT:19:50:00
Added "$STINFOEX" for extended symbol info from "GET SHORTINFO SYMBOL".
Short Locate:
For locate type 1 canceled/rejected order without offered, added quote info too.
Added more logs for locate sending/accepting offer.
Locate route list now displays in sequence.
Added Locate Lmt Px button to locate with limit price.
Alert window related:
Added "Play in queue mode" option to allow users to choose between "mixed playback" and "queued playback".
If the AlertItem is a trade signal, make it to read the symbol of each triggered signal.
Crash fix: After clicking 'Not release intraday position BP' option in accounts window, program crashes.
Support deleting selected alerts and selected alert conditions items.
Bug fix: For alerts with autodelete option checked, popup message window disappears.
Removed DefAlert.wav as the default file for "Sound Preview" in the Alert window config.
Added '[System default device]' as the default audio output option in 'Device' dropdown.
Changed size of "Device" dropdown.
Hotkey and Advanced Hotkey/Script:
Added function "Exec" which will execute a script from a variable.
Added function "ExecHotkey" which will execute a HokeyScript by name.
But fix: hokey sometimes not working when there is popup dialog.
Added advanced hotkey description to Hokey Script Builder window.
Added hotkey ShowLinkColor to turn on/off border link color display.
Bug fix: Crosshair sync mismatch between min and day charts.
Added advanced hotkey function DrawHorzLineWithPrice() which will draw a horz line using a variable.
Added advanced hotkey function GetChartLv1().
Added candle count down feature.
Added Opening Range study (the Opening Range in Price study is still there).
ProductionJan 23, 2024
Updates since beta release

Bug fix: Alert&Trigger: playback sometimes can not be stopped after clicking Stop button.
Bug fix: Short Locate window, for APEX locate, if exe price is 0, then no charge at all, set total cost to 0.
Symbol info popup for montage now displays more info, like ConcShr ratio.
Updated lv1 last price change color for options symbol.
Changed column names for Admin Account monitor: YesEQ to InitEquity, P&L To PL Daily, Equity to CurrEquity.
Changed column names for Account window: Equity to InitEquity, P&L To PL Daily, Equity to CurrEquity.
- Added DrawHorzLineWithPrice hotkey to draw a new line with specified price.
- Bug fix: Opening range extended lines sometimes disappear.
- Bug fix: Some prices of Price Marker study don't display for options symbol.
BetaDec 29, 2023
Updates since beta release

Global trend lines are now saved too when saving layout (File->Save Desktop).
Added MuteOrUnmuteAllSound hotkey to mute sound from all windows that play sound.
Added mirror columns feature to Montage level 2 window.
Trade Signal window:
- Added two new filters "ATR 07 day" and "ATR 14 day".
- Added two colums in results window for ATR filters.
Basket Order window:
- Added Reserve column.
- Bug fix: The value of BasketId is not displayed in the list.
- Bug fix: When executing ExecuteOrders, program may freeze after failing to get the ID.
- Bug fix: tip window sometimes doesn't show up when pivot point study is added.
- Added HorzLineSetPrice hotkey to set horizontal line to any price or one of Bid, Ask, Last..... (please check hotkey description).
- Fixed some bugs in opening range indicator and chart order line movement interval for futures symbols.
Time and sale window: added a grid line for time change. Fixed a bug for "merge time@sale with same time and exchange" feature.
MNDC. 22, 2023
Updates since beta release

Time and sale window: added a grid line for time change.
Bug fix: ".TN" suffix not added if adding more than one trigger for Orders window.
Short locate window:
Added option to enter "max price per share" when using "Locate lowest" button.
Added "Trader" column.
Alert window: ◦Added TotalPL and PositionTotalPL.
Bug fix - some candle bars disappear when "show inside bar marker" is checked.
Chart order marker now moves according to futures price increment for futures symbols.
MNDC. 22, 2023
Updates since beta release

Time and sale window: added a grid line for time change.
Bug fix: ".TN" suffix not added if adding more than one trigger for Orders window.
Short locate window:
Added option to enter "max price per share" when using "Locate lowest" button.
Added "Trader" column.
Alert window: ◦Added TotalPL and PositionTotalPL.
Bug fix - some candle bars disappear when "show inside bar marker" is checked.
Chart order marker now moves according to futures price increment for futures symbols.
BetaDec 13, 2023
Updates since beta release

Redisgned Basket Order window interface.
Adjusted Short Locate window layout.
Added Eq and EQ% in alert window.
Short Locate: Added "Locate Lowest" to auto locate through the route(s) with lowest price; Adjust window GUI layout.
Montage exchange letter when clicked will show detailed exchange name. Symbol status dialog will auto close when mouse button is released.
Click to trade now links to the last active montage window. Previous versions would link to the first montage window.
Admin->Account Monitor, added the Percent price filter for In The Money options.
Admin-Add permission "Enforce PDT Rule, even Above $25k".
Added account permission "Enable 0DTE" for allowing open trade for "to be expired options".
Advanced Hotkey: Added Wait(millseconds) to wait for some milseconds.
Chart window:
Added opening range to price study.
Added OpenTrendlineConfigWindow hotkey.
Added LDLU range to price study.
Added "Don't reset VWAP in the beginning of each day" to VWAP study.
Window Layout configuration:
Added lock window geometry.
Added snap to grid function. To enable this feature, please go to Setup->Other configure.
Added "Pref" (example, Pref=ARCA) and "NotRouteOut" parameters for NEWORDER;
Added "GET RouteStatus" to retrive routes status.
Bug fix: when subscribe non-1 minute data, 1 min data still returned.
Added commands GET POSITIONS/ORDERS/TRADES/LOCATES to return all positions/orders/trades/locates per request.
Added fields Liq, EcnFee, PL to %TRADE data for trades.
New Style Configuration window:
Added "Expand All/Close All" button.
Added export to clipboard.
Other bug fixes.
BetaSep 06, 2023
Updates since beta release

Advanced Hotkey Added a script function Speak() for converting text to voice
Added a script function PlaySound() for playing sound file (mp3 or wav)
Fixed a crash issue.
Bug fix - Clicking OK button on dialog would not close dialog.
Bug fix - Basket order window displays error when loading basket file.
CMDAPI: Added fields "account" and "trader" to order data (%ORDER).
Short Locate window: Updated user interface to make it more compact.
BetaAug 25, 2023
Updates since production release

Added new hotkey variable for the Trigger Order script.
Added account alias name "*" check to new config dialog.
Bug fix - Time/Sale window column width sometimes not saved correctly.
TradeSignal bug fix: program crashes when displaying Event Type.
MarketViewer bug fix: Unable to restore the original value after a failed update to a column.
Added new config window for Risk Management window.
Added hotkey global variable to Alert window.
ProductionAug 11, 2023Updates since beta release

Help->About window now shows both beta and production release note.
Updated Montage window price box to accept price only, no invalid characters.
CMDAPI: Added commands "SB/UNSB TOPLIST" to get top list data (return data in "$TopLst").
Complex order window route box now only displays routes corresponding to selected account in Account drop down.
Alert & Trigger: Added "Located" event when short order is located.
Bug fix: High Low Ticker window Time column sometimes displays N/A.
Changed chart DMI study's scale to 0-100.
Added trigger order style to Montage window for replay mode.
Added hotkey script variable configuration window. Users can now configure variables in hotkey script from graphics interface.
Bug fix: When double clicking symbol in Market Viewer window, the linked maximized window (chart, montage, time/sale) is restored.
Short locate: Added locate route minimum charge display.
Bug fix: Montage level 2 sometimes froze after double clicking options chain item.
CMDAPI: Removed training account short locate limitation.
Added following columns to Positions window, "UnrealizedToday","Expire Time","TodayShares","TodayAvgCost","Locked time"
Bug fix: Trade window Time column displays symbol.
Updates for options trade marker on chart:
- Added circle to options trade triangle.
- Mapped price to exact y axis price instead of top and bottom of bar.
- Bug fix - sometimes trade execution time is not mapped correctly to time axis.
- Corrected triangle color for long put and short put.
Added Fixed Anchor Point option to VWAP.
Added crosshair sync feature to chart window (crosshair drawing at same time on multiple chart windows).
Bug fix - window inside grouped windows sometimes doesn't receive hotkey command.
Improved loading speed for Trade window.
Bug Fix - Sometimes Montage window caused whole DAS window to flicker.
Short locate: Added option "Valid price warning max second" to warn users if inquired price has expired for configured limit.
Updated trade's ecnfee to avoid rounding to 2 decimals.
CMDAPI: Updated 'SCRIPT' to support OTO/OCO etc. complicated hotkey scripts.
Short locate window: Changed to not allow placing locate order if there are no available shares.
ScreenRecorder: Bug fix: Failed to get symbol from montage window when take screenshot for the first time after running program.
Bug fix - when select price from level 2 window, sometimes price is rouned to 1.8999999 instead of 1.9, as an example.
For 64 bit version, added 5 new options of DPI scaling in Setup->Other Configuration. Users can select one of them that works best for their systems and monitors.
MNDC. 26, 2023
Updates since beta release

TradeSignal: Enhancement: Download latest files from server When failed to decrypt the description file.
TradeSingal: Bug Fix: Failed to display icon in event window.
TradeSingal: Bug Fix: Set Transparent background color for SignalType in event window.
Replay: bug fix for Futures realized calculation with multiplier.
Added support for RemEQ Warning and thresholds (Admin->Risk Management)
Added "Unwind Today expired options..." option to account control new GUI.
Added "Show comma for grid digits" option for windows with grid data display.
Bug fix: Admin->Short list window is sometimes hidden when opened.
Bug fix: Prevent multiple triggers of hotkeys when only one press is needed.
Bug fix: TradeSignal failed to decrypt data from description file.
Bug fix: ScreenRecorder can not save/load Autdio Devices name with Unicode in ScreenRecorder cfg window.
Bug fix: Toolbar button text disappeared when changing theme from dark to default.
Added hokkey scripts "Inquire" and "InquireAll" for short locate window.
Added "RangeMkt" for trigger order editor and template.
CMDAPI: Updated MINCHART request time per each symbol.
Added RoundNearestMultiple hotkey.
CMDAPI: Added command "ReturnFullLv1 YES/NO" to return all fields of lv1. Default is NO which is not returning all fields.
Fixed more price truncation problems when price is big. (hotkey, trigger order related)
Bug fix: Can not change value of "Allow trade" in Account Risk Settings new config window.
Montage switching symbol doesn't work sometimes if symbol is options long symbol.
CMDAPI: Added back "ALLROUTEWTTYPE1" for locate inquiry; Adjusted price inquiry max interval per route.
Updated ScreenRecorder setting to support 60 FPS.
CMDAPI: Add support for GTD date+time, format example: TIF=2023/03/28-15:30:20
Bug fix: RemEQ% value not saved in Account Risk Settings new config window.
CMDAPI: Added "PostOnly" parameter for NEWORDER to support post only order.
Bug fix: Day chart time scale not set correctly if label and chart back ground have same color.
Added Schaff Trend Cycle study.
Added ToggleShowTrades hotkey.
Added Central Pivot Range.
Bug fix: horizontal line color didn't refresh after configured.
Bug fix: right clicking a line doesn't deselect other lines.
Updated item name for fibo line new style config window.
Bug fix: Chart "replace order failed" message shows up even replaced order from montage.
MNDC. 24, 2023
Updates since version

Bug fix: new style account ctrl dialog freezes.
Bug fix - large price number not rounded correctly when load into montage.
For Account Ctrl new style window: fixed Restore RemEQ(%) value issue.
Short locate: added option to send accid for route type 0.
Advanced ladder view: added option to show last price line.
Advanced ladder view: added option to show LULD lines.
CMDAPI: NEWORDER: added support for FixTags parameter to set customized FIX tags.
Bug fix - if order template has wrong account information then set to empty.
CMDAPI: updated 'SCRIPT' command to support multiple hotkeys seperated by ';'.
Short Locate: added option to load locate order into montage when double clicking a locate order.
Bug fix - when clicking Replace button on Montage window, a message box sometimes pops up.
MNDC. 09, 2023
Updates since beta release

Added "Log Millisecond to log" option to log millisecond time frame to log file.
Added checkbox "Alert for busted trade, total fills exceeding order shares etc." to Trading Settings for abnormal trade behaviors.
Added account ctrl parameter: Max Filled Order Number.
CMDAPI: For SLPRICEINQUIRE, added "ALLROUTEWTTYPE1" to inquire all routes except type 1 routes (accept/reject offers).
Added ADX period to DMI study.
Added option for SetVWAPAnchor and VWAPAnchorPeriod hotkeys to allow changing anchor period for specific VWAP study.
Bug fix - SetVWAPAnchor hotkey doesn't cancel when right click.
Increased trend line accuracy when switching from higher time frame to lower time frame.
Bug fix - Chart alert can't be placed over horizontal lines.
Added more data source to RSI study.
Fixed Volume by price freeze issue when drawing long lines.
MNDC. 03, 2023
Updates since version

Account Monitor: Added "MKV/EQ" column.
Bug fix - Account monitor ECN fee summary row shows 0 when using virtual grid.
Bug fix - Sometimes Complex options window froze after sending from options chain.
Updated exchange filter list of time sale window.
Added more explanation to why chart order replace failed.
Added new style "RouteBox" config window.
Added new style "L1 Ticker" config window.
ScreenRecorder: Bug fix - Failed to get symbol from montage window at the try after loading layout.
Quote Replay: Show current time tooltip when scrolling slider.
Short Locate: Show service fee for locate route type 1.
Bug fix: Can't save Share value via "Apply to All" in Order templates.
Updated some DarkTheme colors for Deal Editor.
Bug fix - trend lines interfere when moving order lines, if they overlap.
Added new style "Chart History" config window.
Added new style "Data Manage" config window.
Bug fix - When placing chart order, after left clicking outside of chart area, Qty text box still shows.
MNDC. 30, 2022
Updates since production release

Extended account ctrl symbol trade start/stop time.
Quote Replay: Bug fix for day chart duplicated date.
Chart - Removed position avgcost line for positions with 0 qty.
Complex order can now be recorded into log file with the source of entry if placed from complex order window.
Chart - Bug fix - Volume by price study daily interval has bars missing when drawing in small area
Bug fix - Right clicking TMP button on options chain not working.
Bug fix - Main window toolbar icons sometimes messed up.
Increased menu items spacing in dark and blue theme.
Bug fix - Montage order template not loaded correctly when using new style config window.
MNDC. 29, 2022
Updates since beta release

CMDAPI: Order route can be set from NEWORDER's route parameter directly.
CMDAPI: Added support for options tms quotes.
CMDAPI: Added "Minume" for AON/N Held parameters for new order.
For Admin/Position window, added Expire date for options symbols.
Screenshot file now can be saved with active Montage window symbol (hotkey only)
Bug fix - Price alert can't set negative price.
Hide default not tradable routes from montage and short locate route list.
Expanded short locate info message field.
Expanded short locate symbol box for longer symbol.
Replay: Updated to show position avgcost line on chart.